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Published on: Friday, 05/03/2021 @ 11:54 hrs

There are various acronyms used across the BHR CEPN Training Hub. If you come across an acronym that’s not shown below, please click here and let us know. We can then add it to the list.


ACP – Advanced Clinical Practitioner

AHP – Allied Health Professions

ANA – Apprentice Nursing Associate

AD – Associate Director

BM – Business Manager

CMO – Chief Medical Officer

CD – Clinical Director

CP – Clinical Pharmacist

CMHT – Community Mental Health Team

DME – Director of Medical Education

DPH – Director of Public Health

FCP – First Contact Practitioner

GPN – General Practice Nurse

GP – General Practice/Practitioner

HCA – Health Care Assistant

IP – Independent Prescriber

MD – Medical Director

NMP – Non-medical Prescriber

NA – Nursing Associate

PCP – Personalised Care Practitioner

PA – Physician Associate

PM – Practice Manager

PD – Programme Director

SPLW – Social Prescribing Link Worker

SW – Social Worker


ARRS – Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme

LIS – Local Incentive Scheme

MECC – Making Every Contact Count

MHFA – Mental Health First Aid

MI – Motivational Interviewing


BHR CEPN – Barking, Havering & Redbridge Community Education Provider Network

BHRUT – Barking, Havering & Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust

CEPN – Community Education Provider Network

CCG – Clinical Commissioning Group

CLDT – Community Learning Disability Team

ELHCP – East London Health & Care Partnership

GPVTS – General Practice Vocational Training Scheme

HEE – Health Education England

HLP – Healthy London Partnership

ICB – Integrated Care Baord

ICS – Integrated Care System

LBBD – London Borough of Barking & Dagenham

LBH – London Borough of Havering

LBR – London Borough of Redbridge

LSBU – London South Bank University

NEL – North East London

NELFT – North East London Foundation Trust

NHSE/I/ – NHS England/Improvement

PELC – Partnerships of East London Co-Operatives

PGD – Patient Group Direction

PPG – Patient Participant Group

PSD – Patient Specific Direction

PCN – Primary Care Network

PH – Public Health

PHE – Public Health England

QMUL – Queen Mary’s University London

STP/ELHCP – Sustainability and Transformation Partnership/East London Health and Care Partnership

TH – Training Hub

UEL – University of East London


CPD – Continuing Professional Development

LNA – Learning Needs Analysis

MDT – Multi-Disciplinary Teams/Training

SOP – Standard Operating Procedure

TNA – Training Needs Analysis

WD – Workforce Development

Useful Resources

There are various terms used in health and social care. The following guides explain those that are commonly used.

Useful Resources There are various terms used in health and social care. The following guides explain those that are commonly used.

Acronym Buster