Partners are working to ensure that local people are supported to access more services closer to home, with, for example, proposals for the development of community based care and Primary Care Networks. Click
here to find out more about BHR Primary Care Networks.
By working in a more integrated way, we can target our resources at helping people stay well in the community and reducing the pressure on our hospitals. The opportunity of working together as a northeast London footprint is that we can pool all our resources to achieve economies of scale where it makes sense to do things once, and focus more resource at a Barking and Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge level, on supporting the delivery of care closer to home.
We will also support the Integrated Care System’s
four priorities, or joint action areas to create change and make a difference to the lives of local people and all our staff. The priorities include:
i. Employment and Workforce – working together to create meaningful work opportunities and employment for people who live in Barking & Dagenham, Havering, and Redbridge.
ii. Long term Conditions – supporting our people with a long-term condition to live a longer, healthier life and to work proactively to prevent conditions occurring for other members of our community.
iii. Children and young people – supporting our partners to provide early support and accessible services to babies, children and young people in the BHR area.
iv. Mental Health – supporting services as necessary to improve the experience, mental well-being and outcomes for our communities.